Workshop on Accelerator Architectures for the Masses
Call for Papers |
As we move into an energy-constrained era,
current general-purpose multicore processors will find it increasingly
hard to scale up to application requirements in an efficient
manner. This workshop envisions a radically different future in which
the multicore chip includes specialized accelerator cores that take
care of the bulk of the computation. We are already headed in this
direction; 4 out of the Top 5 fastest supercomputers are hybrid
designs based on GP-GPUs. Mainstream multicore chips already include
diverse accelerators such as GP-GPUs and Cryptographic units. Vendors
promise to deliver plenty more accelerators if we can figure out what
needs acceleration and how to harness these diverse types of cores.
These heterogeneous manycore chips that integrate novel accelerator
units with general-purpose processors promise high levels of
performance and energy-efficiency. At this time, there is a critical
need for research to enable widespread use of manycore accelerators
and GPUs across a wide variety of mainstream applications and
programming paradigms WACy'11 will be co-located with ICS 2011 in Tucson, Arizona. The workshop program will include presentations of peer-reviewed papers as well as a keynote. The organizing committee is soliciting presentations on any topic related to compute accelerators, including
Paper submission |
Authors are invited to submit original work that advocates new architectures, develops software support, or reports on actual experience. Papers should be submitted in the double column ACM SIG proceedings format, and are limited to 6 pages. Accepted papers will be available to participants at the meeting and will also be posted on our workshop website. The authors of the top two highly ranked papers will be provided an opportunity to formally publish their work in the IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. Submission website : EASY Chair Link |
Important dates |
Submissions due: 15th April 2011, 11:59 PST ( Pacific Standard Time ) (Abstracts can be submitted as early as April 8th)
Organizing Committee |
Workshop organizers
Arrvindh Shriraman (Simon Fraser University)
Rajeev Balasubromanian,
University of Utah |